Tues. & Thurs. TB 144, 3:00 -5:20
Lauren Addario
Instructor, Media Arts & Technology
Trolley Building 135
O 505-454-3239
Office Hours: M, W 1-2, T 1-3 & by appointment
Email: lladdario@nmhu.edu
Phone: 505-454-3239
Description of Course:
This is a course in front-end, presentational web production. We will focus on markup language, CSS, some javascript, image optimization and layout We will discuss production for different platforms & browsers, address issues about mobile & small screen presentation, CMS systems, & considerations of accessibility & user experience. This class is a combination of the technical skills of front end production, with the conceptual discussion of experience design & usability.
Course Pre-requisites: MART 233
Required Textbook (s): No required textbook; research and readings from web sites, tutorials, blogs and articles as assigned.
General Objectives:
General Objectives of the Course are:
1) To introduce students to web production, principles and techniques, structures, protocols, accessibility and software
2) Give students the opportunity to construct their own websites
3) Teach industry standard code, and industry standard platforms in order to create
responsive, accessible designs
Specific Objectives:
At the conclusion of this course, students should be able to:
1) Understand html and css basics
2) Understand well-designed sites that are responsive to different devices and platforms
3) Understand accessibility and universal design principles
4) Understand and practice industry standard image and text protocols
Major Topics:
Major topics to be studied include:
1) html and css basics
2) Responsive and web accessible design
3) Visual logic, informational flow & hierarchy
4) html5 semantics, file structure
5) Introduction to CMS and local/live servers
Instructional Methods and Techniques:
Instructional methods/techniques to be used will include:
1) Guest lectures/demonstrations
2) Visual presentations
3) Conceptual experimentations/development
4) Comprehensive Critiques/analysis
Assignments for the course:
Assignments for students in the course will include:
1) Research current web technologies
2) Build a website using html and css
3) create an animation using css
4) Site re-design including, accessibility and responsive site capability for mobile devices & tablets
5) Graduate students will be required to submit extra assignments/presentations/research on topics not covered in class.
99-100 A+
94-98 A
90-93 A-
86-89 B+
84-85 B
80-83 B-
75-79 C+
70-74 C
60-69 D
50-59 F
Your grade will be determined by the following formula
20% – Class participation and homework*
40%** – Midterm = (50% written midterm + 50% midterm Project)
40% – Final = (50% written final + 50% Final Project)
**If you are a graduate student, you will have extra assignments in the form of a presentation or implementation of some topic not covered in class, requiring research. This extra material is worth 10% of your grade and your midterm is only worth 30%
Attendance and behavior
Cell phones and texting are not permitted. Failure to recognize this policy will result in a grade reduction. If you are sick or have to miss class, you are responsible for finding out the assignment from a classmate or the instructor and you are responsible for coming to the next class with any missed work completed. Students CANNOT miss critique. If final critique is missed you will fail the class.
4 absences = final grade is dropped one full letter grade
5 absences = final grade is dropped two full letter grades
6 absences = final grade is dropped three full letter grades
7 absences = final grade is an F
3 tardies =1 absence
Leaving class early or arriving late will count as a tardy. This applies to not being on task, not having your materials in class, or taking long breaks during class time.
NMHU Class attendance policy
Academic Integrity
NMHU media arts is a program designed to learn, absorb, discuss and question; to expand one’s mind through rigorous intellectual exploration. Integrity of the educational experience is diminished by cheating in class, plagiarizing, lying, or employing other modes of deceitful behavior, plagiarism and copyright infringement will not be tolerated. If you have any questions about academic dishonesty, read this policy, ask me and/or check with the writing center.
Accessibility Statement
In accordance with federal law, it is university policy to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you believe that you have a physical, learning, or psychological disability that requires an academic accommodation, contact the Coordinator of Accessibility Services by phone at (505) 454-3188 or 454-3252, via e-mail at desquibel@nmhu.edu, or visit the Felix Martinez Building, Suite 130 on the Las Vegas campus. If you need the document upon which this notice appears in an alternative format, you may also contact the Coordinator of Accessibility Service: David Esquibel, Student Advisor/Coordinator of Testing and Accessibility Services.
HU-Cares Title IX
Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender are Civil Rights offenses subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such as race, national origin, etc. If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you are encouraged to contact the Center for Advocacy, Resources, Education, & Support (HU-CARES) located in the Student Union Building at 800 National Ave in Suite 306. If you have questions or need to speak to someone regarding a concern, please call HU-CARES at 505-454-3529 or email preventviolence@nmhu.edu. HU-CARES can support you in various ways, regardless if you want to report to police or not. All services are confidential, student-centered, and free for all NMHU students, including center campuses.
Additional resources available to you include:
Student Health Center Main Campus-(Counseling) 505-454-3218
Campus Police 505-454-3278
NMHU Dean of Students 505-454-3020
Human Resources, Title IX Officer 505-426-2240
NM Crisis & Access Line (Professional Counselors available 24/7) 1-855-662-7474
Center students are encouraged to contact HU-CARES for resources near the center campuses.