Visual Concepts Fall 2024

Visual Concepts FDMA 1210
M & W 12:00 – 1:50

Lauren Addario
Media Arts & Technology
TB 135 505-454-3239
Office Hours M 11:00-12:00; T 12:30-2:00; W 11:00 – 12:00, & by appointment


Week 1
August 12– Introductions | Review syllabus and policies | Follow @humediaarts like, comment, or share a post!
Introduce assignment #1 mock critique.
: Bring an object to class for mock critique Homework: Reading: Design Process

August 14- In-class mock critique, lecture, and in-class exercises: What is Design?  
Homework: Using the lecture as a guide, define the following vocabularyEmail the assignment to me before the start of class on Monday, August 19th
Also watch this one minute video on Unity 

August 19 – Lecture on Unity
Find examples of unity online through these artists.  Andy Goldsworthy, Louise Nevelson, Chuck Close. Find one artist on your own. Share that artist with the class. 
In class exercise, create a unified composition through proximity using the shapes here. We’ll do a short critique in class. Assignment 2, linked here & due on Wednesday, August 21st. Vocabulary words for Lecture 2 are here.

August 21 – Project due, Critique Day
Visit the print lab & learn how to cut and mount your work!

August 26- Lecture BalanceIntroduce Assignment 3 | Your shapes are in the print lab and you can use as many shapes as you need to complete this assignment. If you need more printed, ask Cabrini to print them for you.
Vocabulary words for Lecture 3 are here

August 28 –Project due, Critique Day, meet in Critique room B

September 2- LABOR DAY, No class

September 4- Lecture Emphasis and Focal Point    Introduce Assignment 4 Review all vocabulary words in preparation for quiz on Monday, September, 12th.

Week 5
September 9 – Quiz 1,  

September 11- Quiz review  Project Due, Critique Day

Week 6
September 16- Critique continued–  Lecture Rhythm and Repetition,  Vocabulary Words for Lecture 5 are here.

September 18- Introduce midterm assignment using Rhythm and Repetition | How to write an artist’s statement.

Week 7
September 23- Proposal Draft 1 due, present your ideas for the midterm | Class time for review of proposal and refine ideas 

September 25-
Critique 1 midterm, review progress and be prepared to incorporate constructive criticism into your midterm work.

Week 8
September 30 – Critique 2 Show the class what you’re working on and get feedback!

October 2- Midterm Critique

Week 9
October 7 – No class Fall Break

October 9 –  Lecture Scale & Proportion |Introduce Assignment 5 Software demo: How to resize images in Photoshop, flattening images, saving work as jpegs or pdfs, exporting for print.
Vocabulary for Lecture on Scale and proportion is linked here and due on Monday.

Week 10
October 14– Working critique 1 

October 16 –Project 5 Due,  critique day,  printed assignments must be mounted on foam core and ready to show at the beginning of class.
Homework: Check out this article in the New York Times

Week 11
October 21- Lecture LineIntroduce Assignment 6 | Photoshop review, Vocabulary for lecture 7 is linked here

October 23-Work day, Print Day Preparing a file for print |  

Week 12
October 28 –  Critique Assignment 6 Line | Review for quiz 2

October 30 – Lecture Value and Color | Introduce Project 7, Propaganda Poster 
Know your propaganda!

Week 13
November 4 –Quiz 2, Vocabulary 4, 5, 6, 7. 

November 6 – Quiz review, project 7 work day

Week 14
November 11 –  Project 7 Due,  critique day

November 13 – Introduce final project hand out Munny Dolls/visit print lab for materials and printing instructions. Here’s a link to the lecture

Week 15
November 18 – Present initial ideas to class & work day
November 20 – Critique 1 & work day

Week 16
November 25- Critique 2, & work day. This will be your last critique before the final show. 


Final Critique, FRIDAY, December 6th  7:30-10:30 am