Media Arts Seminar Fall 2024

Media Arts Seminar
M, W 2:00 -3:50
TB 144

Lauren Addario
Media Arts & Technology
TB 135 505-454-3239
Office Hours M 11:00-12:00; T 12:30-2:00; W 11:00 – 12:00, & by appointment


Week 1
August 12–  Introductions | Review syllabus and policies |
| What to expect from this class | Role of cultural technology in Media Arts & Technology CCT Project Showcase

August 14- Introduction to our community-based Project. First, we’ll watch this video 
and check out Izia Lindsay
We’ll go outside and look at the mural and Al’s graffiti from 2017. Then we’ll look at previous community-based projects done by this class.

***On Monday 8/19 at 11:00 in LAB 1, introductory lunch and production meeting, meet the artists. You are all invited to attend.

Here are your roles:
John Linzie – archiving, still photo selection
Kyle Conway – editing and safety and equipment
Kenyon—video of install and editing
Jeremiah– design informational panels
Jayden – editing and documenting
Christian – editing

Week 2
August 19 – Project Management for Large Creative Projects with Izia Lindsay & Al Díaz
Location: McCaffrey Historic Trolley Building, TB 102
Event: Lecture / Discussion. Working with others. Ethical ownership, copyright and visual documentation issues in public spaces. Delegation of mural project assignments and tasks?

August 21 –What is an Art Movement? Izia Lindsay (with Al Díaz) Does graffiti qualify as an art movement?
What makes graffiti different or the same as other art movements we have learned about? Has this art    form effectively contributed to culture as a voice for social justice?
Location: Zoom and in-person: McCaffrey Historic Trolley Building, Critique Room A. Zoom link Event: Lecture / Discussion

***August 23 & 24th will be mural painting days. Please plan to participate. This is your community-based project for this class.

Week 3
August 26-Interview Al Diaz 3:00 – 4:00 pm.
Debrief mural project, in class write a 1-2 page reflection paper and answer the following questions:
1) What did you expect to learn from this experience?
2) Describe at least 3 ways this project helped you understand collaborative art projects
3) Do you enjoy collaboration? Discuss what you like and don’t like about working in groups.
4) How can a project like this contribute to creating a sense of meaning in community? 

August 28 – Discuss/revisit roles for exhibit

Introduce writing assignment 1
Paper due 9/16/24
Rough Drafts due 9/9/24

Here’s how you will be evaluated for your papers
Writing Center: x 3537 Visit Writing Center
multiple drafts, read out loud, spell check, Student Academic Integrity Policy
Check out: Purdue’s The Owl for citation help. 

 Ignite presentations.  presentation, 5 minutes, 20 slides, 15 seconds per slide.| Prepare this in Google Slides then follow these instructions below.
Preparing an Ignite presentation
How to do a presentation: Veronica Black! Her slides are linked here
Homework: Homework: read this! AND Prepare 2 potential Ignite topics. Email your links to me prior to the start of class on Wednesday, 9/4

Week 4

September 4 – Jake in class 2:00 – 2:30 to talk about archiving footage.
Present two potential Ignite topics

Week 5
September 9- Rough Drafts DUE. Pair up, read your paper aloud and do peer editing. GA work with pairs to help edit papers.

September 11 – MFA Candidate Emily Clark Introduces Documentary and Narrative Film. Her slides can be viewed here

Homework: Reading assignment on documentary filmmaking
Watch film by Patty Chavez, Director and Producer of The Ties that Bind Us. This is an award-winning short now streaming on Xerb. It was awarded a $17,000 production fund for screenwriting and was awarded the grand yearly prize at the Hispanic Film Fest for Best directing, as well as took home some other awards for, Best original score, best First-time Female Director, best original story, and best acting duo.
Production Sample:  #WHITINA – This was a USC Thesis film and executive produced by Kevin Hart, 2021. 

Week 6
September 16 – Design papers due by the start of class
Becca in class to do voter registration
Introduce midterm, then prepare for your Ignite Presentation!

September 18- Ignite Presentations
Link to assignment 2 essay on film and video.
Paper Due 10/9/23 at the start of class
Homework: Review student documentary films and animations. Quantum Computing Explained! Lindsey Abeita’s video, (Long Walk, memories of migration, Jewish Merchants, Mother Teal and the Overland Route, Navajo Rodeo, Sheep is Life)

Week 7
September 23- We‘ll watch the Documentary, Waste Land  Here’s the official trailer
To find it:
Go to
Search for Waste Land (Two Words) The description is: Waste Land: An Art Collaboration in the World’s Largest Garbage Dump. This is required viewing for your next paper. 

September 25- Jake in class to discuss exhibit ideas–work day and planning
ROUGH DRAFTS for film papers due today

Week 8
September 30 – Ignite presentations for anyone who needs to redo them / Work Day

October 2 – Midterm presentations

Week 9
October 7  NO CLASS –Fall Break 

October 9 –  ***Film papers due at the start of class.***
Universal/Inclusive Design and Accessibility

Preparing for Jonathan Lee’s lecture on Monday. create an account here

Homework: Introduction to Multimedia and Interactivity Watch this: The AI Dilemma
and this

Week 10
October 14 –  Guest Speaker, Jonathan Lee, Chat GPT and prompt engineering
Link to writing assignment 3 Multimedia & Technology
Homework: Read about diversity in technology here
and here 
Image Bias in AI 
Jonathan Lee’s presentation is here
October 16- In Class WORK DAY. Let’s look at the selected photos, video clips, content for informational panels, Transferring to 2nd hard drive.

Week 11
October 21- Jake in class to review progress on video

October 23-August in-class, training for mad mapper
Rough drafts for Multimedia and Interactivity due today

Week 12
October 28 – Critique 1-Jake in class.
Show first rough cuts, and design panel draft layouts, etc. 

October 30 –  Introduction to Photography & Photojournalism. Photojournalism Lecture.
Link to writing assignment
 for Photography & Photojournalism
Jake in class for editing and advisement on video and exhibit

Week 13
November 4 – Work Day get ready for Critique 2 on Wednesday.
***Multimedia & Technology papers due today***

November 6 – Critique 2- Jake in class to review video progress

Week 14
November 11 – Jake in class to guide final presentation of rough cut.
***Rough drafts for photography/photojournalism due today***

November 13 – Critique 3,  prepare files to print, large format photos, exhibit panels, final edits for video team

Week 15
November 18 – Print Day, prepare for install, getting screen installed, projector set up, etc.
***Photography/photojournalism papers due today***

November 20- Install/Work Day

Week 16
November 25- Install day, Last Day of class
Saturday & Sunday Labs open:  11/23/24 & 11/24/24 from 3 to 8pm

Final Friday, December 6 –  2:30 -5:30pm
The final show will be on Wednesday, December 4th at 5:30 PM 

Last Day to Print:  Monday, 11/25/24, 9:00pm

Last day of classes:  Tuesday, 11/26/24

Hang the show:  Tuesday, 11/26/24. 9am to 7pm

Mary’s Christmas Party:  Thursday, 12/5/24. 5:30pm